Self Assessment

My Self Assessment

    In the four weeks we have been using blogs I have been able to get a better understanding on how to format and write them out more easily. I have looked over all of my blog posts and I saw that the one mistake that was the same throughout every post were my grammatical errors. I need to take the time and reread my posts before I continue to finish and publish them if I were to do this after writing my posts, I believe that it would benefit me because I wouldn't lose points on my assignments for a silly mistake. For the most part a blog is pretty easy to manage and work with the one thing that usually gives me stress is how to format pictures throughout my post without messing up the format of my writing. After a couple tries and being patient enough to fit the pictures how I want they usually end up in place. When I write my posts, I will start them right after class and I take my time and make sure I am answering the correct questions and make sure everything is in order. The one thing I tend to do is when I am finishing up my posts, is that I start getting antsy to turn it in and forget my sources which is the most important part of the blog and that can hurt me badly so I should slow down while working and put all my effort into the blogs instead of rushing to finish. After I do finish an assignment, I typically read it over but even then, there are times when I still miss certain mistakes and I will have to go through it a second or third time and fix them. When I write a blog, I don't really feel uncomfortable or uneasy about them being able to be seen by the public if I am being honest, I hadn't really given it much thought I kind of like that aspect about blogs because someone could be able to correct me if I was wrong about something or even just share something they had to say. I believe showing students how to properly work and format a blog would be something useful to our blog writing and would make the process of writing blogs easier. The main thing I learned is that blogs are a prominent way of communicating things to a large audience and that millions of blogs are written daily which is absolutely mind-blowing to me. They are also becoming a good source of information and learning when it comes to using them in education as we have seen in these four weeks. 


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